
Formulation: Thyroxine 0.088 MG Oral Tablet
Rating: Life Changing
Continuing Use: Yes
Duration: 6 Years
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Weight: 178 lb / 81 kg
Synthroid - jillian - 06-24-2009

When I was 17 years old i began to feel very weak and out of it all the time. I was sleeping all the time and not wanting to be very active at all. I passed out one day at school, and as a result i went in had some blood tests done. It turns out that I had a thyroid disorder(hypothyriodism). About a year later my thyroid was completly taken out. They did this by radiating the thyroid. You can not live with out your thyroid so i began taking synthroid, and will have to continue taking it for the rest of my life! This medicine really saved my life. The only downside is the medicine did make me gain some weight.

Formulation: -
Rating: Life Changing
Continuing Use: No
Duration: 4 Years
Gender: Female
Age: 45
Weight: 194 lb / 88 kg
Advair Diskus - Tabsy - 06-24-2009

Advair made the difference between getting a full night’s sleep, and waking up at 3:00 AM every night to reach for my inhaler. I used it for several years, until I found out that I had nasal polyps that were triggering my endless asthma flare-ups. After getting my sinus issues treated, I no longer need asthma control medication, at least not now.

While I was having constant attacks, Advair gave me my life back. Without it, I needed my rescue inhaler every four hours most of the time. Taking this medicine when I needed it allowed me to resume a normal life.

However, I did seem to be more prone to catching every cold virus my kids brought home while on this medication. My immune system seemed not to work as well. You may need to be careful when you are around sick people while on this drug.

Formulation: drospirenone 3 MG / Ethinyl Estradiol 0.03 MG Oral Tablet
Rating: Regrettable
Continuing Use: No
Duration: 3 Months
Gender: Female
Age: 27
Weight: 134 lb / 61 kg
Yasmin - CJ - 06-24-2009

At the age of 23 I decided to go on birth control and my gynecologist suggested Yasmin. Because I have health insurance the cost was reasonable for me--even when I would get a three months supply it was affordable. I am not quite sure why my GYN suggested Yasmin...when I asked why Yasmin was better she said that lots of young women use it and they really like the results. So trusting her I tried Yasmin.

For the first month and a half everything was okay...actually even better because I noticed that my periods were very regular. I didn't have much weight gain at all...which I thought was great. However in my third month of using Yasmin I began to have sharp pains in my legs and a heavy feeling in my chest. At first I thought that perhaps I was over exerting myself with work and school...but I figured it was the birth control pills when I would wake up with my legs bothering me. I decided to go to the ER and the attending physician advised that I discontinue using the Yasmin even though CAT scans didn't show any clots in my legs or brain.

After this experience I decided that Yasmin was not the birth control product for me. I have switched to another product and feel much better. Also, the symptoms of the heavy chest and painful legs stopped completely once I stopped using Yasmin.

Formulation: fexofenadine 30 MG Disintegrating Tablet
Rating: Good
Continuing Use: No
Duration: 2 Months
Gender: Female
Age: 26
Weight: 143 lb / 65 kg
Allegra - Leslie - 06-24-2009

Allegra is the only allergy medication that works for me. It takes care of all of my symptoms, and I have noticed no known side effects.

Formulation: Sertraline 25 MG Oral Tablet
Rating: Poor
Continuing Use: No
Duration: 4 Weeks
Gender: Female
Age: 44
Weight: 187 lb / 85 kg
Zoloft - Lee123456 - 06-23-2009

I was not warned about the wight gain and was not told this drug is for anxiety and not really just for depression. Imagine my surpise when I slept for 16 hours a day and gained 40 pounds and did not care about anything. I would wake up and realize it was time to go to work and not go, or pick up my children and not go, or even just brush my teeth and not do it. The tiredness and the weight gain were bad enough, the people I made angry by my indifference was embarrassing. Know yourself before taking this drug. I was never told it is primarily for anxiety until after it altered my weight that I have not lost after 4 years.

Formulation: -
Rating: Good
Continuing Use: Yes
Duration: 1 Years
Gender: Female
Age: 27
Weight: 138 lb / 63 kg
Zoloft - Shannon - 06-23-2009

I have had no problems what so ever with this medication, I was warned that it causes weight gain as do many of these types of medication but so far nothing. It has helped me quite a bit and I am glad of all the choices I had that I went with this one.

Formulation: Escitalopram 20 MG Oral Tablet
Rating: Statisfactory
Continuing Use: No
Duration: 5 Months
Gender: Female
Age: 37
Weight: 127 lb / 58 kg
Lexapro - Dori - 06-23-2009

I was prescribed lexapro after I became very ill and had a bad psychological reaction to a strong medication I was put on for that illness. I was hoping this drug would cheer me up. It didn't really do much. I didn't feel anything as I dosed up, and once on it I felt dull. I don't know how to describe it otherwise, I just lost my zest for life. I decided to wean myself off of it and encountered dizziness for a few days; then I felt back to my old self. I don't think it did anything bad for me, I would say it definitely mellows you out, in my case too much. I'm not sure I actually needed it.

Formulation: -
Rating: Regrettable
Continuing Use: No
Duration: 6 Months
Gender: Female
Age: 30
Weight: 127 lb / 58 kg
Lamictal - April - 06-23-2009

This medication was prescribed for depression, however, some studies show it is supposed to be used for bi-polar disorder. This medication made me woozy and disoriented. My family did not even want to be around me because I was emotionless. This medication is too strong for use by someone with mild depression yet doctors are so eager to prescribe it. I wonder why? What are they getting in return? Where are the values of today's doctors?

Formulation: Acetaminophen 500 MG / Propoxyphene 100 MG Oral Tablet
Rating: Good
Continuing Use: No
Duration: 10 Days
Gender: Female
Age: 59
Weight: 143 lb / 65 kg
Darvocet - jenny - 06-23-2009

I took Darvocet for pain after abdominal surgery. I was given another medication at first, but it was nauseating and, frankly, constipating. This was much better. It took care of the pain, but I did not have that "drugged up" feeling. I felt more like myself, but with less pain.
It is not perfect. I have heard that it is addicting, but I had no trouble when I stopped taking it.

Formulation: varenicline 1 MG Oral Tablet
Rating: Life Changing
Continuing Use: Yes
Duration: 4 Weeks
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Weight: 198 lb / 90 kg
Chantix - Eric - 06-23-2009

I have tried to quit smoking a few times with different aids. I've received acupuncture, laser therapy, pills, lozenges, and hypnosis. I even tried the patch, but I could never keep the darn things lit! I started taking Chantix 4 weeks ago. I smoked for the first week, as instructed, and have been smoke free for the past 3! It has been difficult, but I can tell that the Chantix is helping. It also seems to induce fantastic dreams. The only problem that I have with it so far is that it seems to really make me itch. I'm not sure why that is, but it isn't bad enough to make me stop taking them. I plan on taking them for the recomended 4 months. Overall, I am very satisfied with my experience of Chantix

Formulation: -
Rating: Good
Continuing Use: Yes
Duration: 4 Years
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Weight: 158 lb / 72 kg
Allegra - Katie - 06-23-2009

Fortunately, I have moved away from areas with lots of pollutants and I rarely need this medication. However, it was a wonderful treatment for me while I was in high school and during hay fever season in college. Other allergy medicines made me extremely drowsy or hyperactive. Allegra, thankfully, did neither. It simply treated my allergy symptoms and made it possible for me to continue my day without blowing my nose every 5 minutes and sneezing every 10.

Formulation: Simvastatin 40 MG Oral Tablet
Rating: Poor
Continuing Use: No
Duration: 5 Months
Gender: Male
Age: 60
Weight: 224 lb / 102 kg
Zocor - Roy - 06-23-2009

I took Simistatin for a few months after the insurance company would not pay for another cholesterol fighting drug.
I ended up with severe muscle cramps and weakness and has to stop the medication. Once the cramps dissipated I began the drug again to test whether it was the culprit and sure enough the cramps and weakness returned.

Satins are very helpful in fighting cholesterol, but the side effects could be a major problem for some people

Formulation: Acetaminophen 500 MG / Hydrocodone 5 MG Oral Tablet
Rating: Good
Continuing Use: No
Duration: 3 Weeks
Gender: Male
Age: 39
Weight: 163 lb / 74 kg
Vidone - Kritikos - 06-22-2009

I recently had my wisdom teeth removed. I was writhing in pain after the procedure was offer. To alleviate the pain I took Vidone. It fixed me up and offered the need resolve to function throughout the day.

Vidone was a very helpful product for me and I'm glad I had a chance to use it. I suggest for anyone going through a medical procedure to us Vidone afterwards for the pain.

Formulation: valacyclovir 500 MG Oral Tablet
Rating: Life Changing
Continuing Use: Yes
Duration: 2 Years
Gender: Female
Age: 35
Weight: 158 lb / 72 kg
Valtrex - Jessica - 06-22-2009

Valtrex is an incredible medication. I use it for recurrent fever blisters. Before Valtrex, I used to get recurrences almost once a month. Since taking this medication daily as a preventative measure, I've gone almost 5 months straight with no recurrences. I have no side effects at all taking this daily. I highly recommend this medication.

Formulation: Sertraline 100 MG Oral Tablet
Rating: Life Changing
Continuing Use: Yes
Duration: 10 Years
Gender: Female
Age: 27
Weight: 119 lb / 54 kg
Zoloft - illa - 06-22-2009

I started on Zoloft after suffering from severe anxiety and depression in high school. During that time the difference it made in my life and my ability to function was amazing. The effects were immediate, within two weeks of starting it I felt as though a huge burden was lifted. Taking Zoloft helped me out of the negative downward spiral I was stuck in and unable to control. I was able to go about my daily life, doing the dinner dishes no longer took two hours, I was able to do homework. I was also able to focus on some of the problems causing my anxiety and learn coping techniques that slowly allowed me to lower my dosage of Zoloft. There were no noticeable side effects and no problems with addiction.

Formulation: -
Rating: Life Changing
Continuing Use: Yes
Duration: 4 Months
Gender: Female
Age: 32
Weight: 141 lb / 64 kg
Elavil - zipper2 - 06-22-2009

I have been dealing with depression since I was 15 years old. My depression wasn't severe but I would have trouble sleeping or I would sleep all the time and never feel rested. I obsessed about what tasks I needed to complete but was unable to figure out where to start. I tried numerous antidepressants and had side effects and no improvement in energy level, restlessness or obsessive thoughts. Since taking this minimal dose of elavil that has all changed. I am more organized and am happy. I am able to complete tasks and not worry over every little thing I didn't get accomplished. The only side effect I have had is weight gain. I haven't gained a substantial amount of weight but it is enough that I have noticed. I don't mind though, I can eat healthier and excercise. A few extra pounds is worth feeling normal.

Formulation: Amitriptyline 25 MG Oral Tablet
Rating: Life Changing
Continuing Use: Yes
Duration: 4 Months
Gender: Female
Age: 32
Weight: 143 lb / 65 kg
Elavil - ZIPPER - 06-22-2009

I have been dealing with depression since I was 15 years old. My depression wasn't severe but I would have trouble sleeping or I would sleep all the time and never feel rested. I obsessed about what tasks I needed to complete but was unable to figure out where to start. I tried numerous antidepressants and had side effects and no improvement in energy level, restlessness or obsessive thoughts. Since taking this minimal dose of elavil that has all changed. I am more organized and am happy. I am able to complete tasks and not worry over every little thing I didn't get accomplished. The only side effect I have had is weight gain. I haven't gained a substantial amount of weight but it is enough that I have noticed. I don't mind though, I can eat healthier and excercise. A few extra pounds is worth feeling normal.

Formulation: Paroxetine 25 MG Extended Release Tablet
Rating: Life Changing
Continuing Use: Yes
Duration: 4 Years
Gender: Male
Age: 41
Weight: 154 lb / 70 kg
Paxil - Marty - 06-22-2009

My doctor prescribed Paxil (paroxetine) for depression and anxiety. Paxil has gotten both under control with minimal, tolerable side effects. More important, it's done this without turning me into a zombie. It's like someone just turned down the volume on the depression and the anxiety.

The most obvious side effect is a decreased interest in sex; since my partner has little interest in this area it hasn't been a problem.

Formulation: Bupropion 75 MG Oral Tablet
Rating: Life Changing
Continuing Use: No
Duration: 6 Months
Gender: Female
Age: 51
Weight: 198 lb / 90 kg
Wellbutrin - Kathy - 06-22-2009

My doctor prescribed a low dose for me for the treatment of a mild depression. Much to my amazement, it also helped me to quit smoking. After I started taking it, smoking tasted absolutely horrible and I suddenly had no cravings. It was a very welcomed side-effect and benefit.

I had taken antidepressants before, but the thing about Wellbutrin is it didn't have the side-effects of the others -- I had more energy and my sex drive was not affected at all.

Formulation: Thyroxine 0.075 MG Oral Tablet
Rating: Good
Continuing Use: Yes
Duration: 3 Months
Gender: Female
Age: 43
Weight: 92 lb / 42 kg
Synthroid - Robbin - 06-22-2009

I was diagnosed with Papillary thyroid cancer in December of 2008. I had a total thyroidectomy in January of 2009. Follow up treatment with I-131 in March and put on .75 mg or Synthroid after that. I am feeling good. It took a while for the Synthroid to kick in after having the radio active iodine. I am still a little tired but not much. Synthroid with have to be increased or decreased eventually. I have had no side effects from the Synthroid.

Formulation: -
Rating: Life Changing
Continuing Use: No
Duration: 3 Days
Gender: Female
Age: 45
Weight: 116 lb / 53 kg
Bactrim - Stella - 06-22-2009

Bactrim worked fast and well to cure a very painful urinary tract infection. The size of the pill is the only problem I had with this drug. It was quite hard to swallow.

Formulation: 24 HR venlafaxine 150 MG Extended Release Capsule
Rating: Life Changing
Continuing Use: Yes
Duration: 4 Years
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Weight: 178 lb / 81 kg
Effexor - Rachel - 06-22-2009

I was prescribed Effexor for depression. I felt the difference in my mood and energy level more quickly than I had anticipated. Although the medication wasn't prescribed for treating my panic attacks, I have had fewer panic attacks and they are much less severe. The only real side effects I have from taking Effexor is dry mouth and hot flashes, it feels as though I have a problem regulating my body temperature . I have reduced my dosage and the hot flashes have mostly subsided. According to my doctor, the sweating/ hot flashes are very rare side effects, and it usually has the opposite effect on most people.

Formulation: celecoxib 200 MG Oral Capsule
Rating: Life Changing
Continuing Use: Yes
Duration: 6 Months
Gender: Male
Age: 54
Weight: 229 lb / 104 kg
Celebrex - Larry - 06-22-2009

Very good for my arthritis when I go play golf. Better than all the prescription drugs used in the past.

Formulation: -
Rating: Life Changing
Continuing Use: No
Duration: 4 Weeks
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Weight: 213 lb / 97 kg
Chantix - Blissskr - 06-22-2009

After trying various times to quit smoking and being unsuccessful. My father in law told me about a medication called chantix to help with quitting smoking that was giving him good results. I made an appointment for my doctors and asked him if he thought chantix would be helpful for me to quit smoking.
My doctor prescribed me the starter package consisting of a first week dose .5mg and then 3 follow up weeks of 1mg dosage. I began taking the medication immediately. I had already stopped smoking about two days prior to starting and was very irritable and having serious cravings. Upon taking the medication I began to notice that my cravings were very manageable to the point where I'd think about smoking but wouldn't have that intense need to smoke feeling. I continued to take the medication for the four weeks and then stopped as I no longer was smoking and haven't smoked since then which was about a year ago next month.
Although this medication did make me feel slightly nauseous at times I found taking it on a full stomach prevented that. I highly recommend this medication to anyone that wants to quit smoking but needs a little help and is serious about quitting.

Formulation: 24 HR venlafaxine 75 MG Extended Release Capsule
Rating: Life Changing
Continuing Use: Yes
Duration: 5 Years
Gender: Female
Age: 46
Weight: 233 lb / 106 kg
Effexor - geekgrl21 - 06-22-2009

This medication was used to treat depression with mild anxiety. I was amazed at the difference it made in my day to day life. I did not feel my depression as intensely as I had prior to receiving treatment and I was much less anxious at work and in social situations. The only side effect that I had was a difficulty in reaching orgasm; this can be overcome, however, by not taking the prescribed dose on the days I plan to have sex (this was approved by my physician). The sexual side effects are then mild to almost non-existent.