Brands > Midol Maximum Strength Menstrual

Acetaminophen 500 MG / Caffeine 60 MG / Pyrilamine 15 MG Oral Capsule Acetaminophen 500 MG / Caffeine 60 MG / Pyrilamine 15 MG Oral Tablet

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Formulation: Acetaminophen 500 MG / Caffeine 60 MG / Pyrilamine 15 MG Oral Tablet
Rating: Good
Continuing Use: Yes
Duration: 7 Months
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Weight: 143 lb / 65 kg
Kelly - 07-03-2009

Midol is a miracle medicine for helping with many of the problems associated with menstruation.

Midol completely relieves cramps within a half hour along with curing the bloated feeling usually associated with menstruation. The 60 MG of caffeine in this formula helps fight fatigue, giving a quick jolt back to reality.

I experienced no negative side effects while taking Midol.

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