Brands > Avelox

moxifloxacin 400 MG Oral Tablet  

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Formulation: moxifloxacin 400 MG Oral Tablet
Rating: Poor
Continuing Use: No
Duration: 10 Days
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Weight: 209 lb / 95 kg
Phil - 07-04-2009

I was prescribed Avelox for a lower respiratory chest congestion problem. My doctor thought it might be an opportunistic infection taking advantage of my recent asthma bout. I took the full prescription as directed, which is strongly recommended when taking an antibiotic regiment.

As far as my experience goes with this medication, it initially seemed to be working as my congestion lessened however about 2 weeks after finishing my last dose the congestion returned with a vengence and I awoke early one morning about 4 hours earlier then I normally do struggling for breath. It appears that this antibiotic was not strong enough to completely eliminate the infection.

I didn't notice any strong side effects from taking this medication. I did suffer some minor stomach indigestion while on it.

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